Documentaire sur grand écran presents Relectures queers

Tuesday, Dec 5th, 2023 6:30pm

Forum des Images


Image from Nitrate Kisses - feature length film by Barbara Hammer


Barbara Hammer and Paul B. Preciado speak with works from the past to highlight and give voice to the present flourishing of queer subjectivities, an accomplishment made possible by transhistorical collective struggles. – Claire All ouche


Barbara Hammer’s Nitrate Kisses plays on the lack of synchronization between ghostly images of gay culture and present stories of homosexual couples to fight against erasure of the memory of extraordinary existences.


Orlando, ma biographie politique, the first feature film by Paul B. Preciado, is a powerful living body which invites a revolt against the imposed binary. An open letter to Virginia Woolf, fanciful and contemporary transposition of Orlando, filmed casting of a role in constant rewriting.

Paul B. Preciado will be present at the screening.