Films with DVDs available for purchase for private use are indicated on the films page.
Follow the links and you can purchase one or several DVDs online.
For institutional sales, please write to: barbarahammerdvds@gmail.com
Digital Files of Film & Videos: Electronic Arts Intermix / Karl McCool / kmccool@eai.org
16mm Films (US): Canyon Cinema / info@canyoncinema.com
16mm Films (Europe): Lightcone / Christophe / lightcone@lightcone.org
Films and Videos (Canada): Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre / bookings@cfmdc.org
Each film has a gallery of images available at the bottom of the page. A download icon indicates the availability of high-resolution images for publicity purposes. Clicking these links will open your mail program with an email to request the high-res version from the distributor (Electronic Arts Intermix).* Charges may apply for the image you are requesting.
Please navigate from the films page to the individual film for which you need images.
Hammer’s bio page similarly has a gallery of images at the bottom of the page. Those for which a high-resolution image is available are indicated by the download-email link and you can click these to request an image for print publicity purposes*. Charges may apply for the image you are requesting.
* If you have popups blocked on your computer the download icons will not open your mail app. In this case, please email Karl McCool directly at: kmccool@eai.org and attach a copy to request the high-res copy you need (drag the thumbnail off the website or right-click and save, keeping the original file-name). Be sure to include your name, phone number and the purpose for which you are requesting the image.
Please include photographer credits wherever they are available.
Barbara Hammer’s Art is represented by:
Company Gallery in New York (info@companygallery.us)
KOW Gallery in Berlin (gallery@kow-berlin.com)
The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University in Hartford, Connecticut acquired The Barbara Hammer Papers in 2017-18. The archive contains writings, images, research materials, project files, and documentation related to Hammer’s films and artwork. The papers also contain personal and professional correspondence, clippings, ephemera, costumes, audiovisual materials, and electronic media related to her life and work (123 boxes total)—all of which is available for research purposes upon request.
Mark Toscano at the Academy of Motion Pictures is handling the restoration of all Barbara Hammer’s films and may be contacted at: mtoscano@oscars.org
Louky Keijsers Koning is the Executive Director of the Estate of Barbara Hammer and may be reached at louky@barbarahammer.com.
Florrie Burke is the Executor and Arts Administrator of the Estate of Barbara Hammer.
Florrie may be contacted regarding Hammer’s work at: barbarahammerart@gmail.com
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